Attorney Advertising and Licensure of Attorneys

NOTICE: Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes. (1) Attorneys of WADR LAW PLLC are only licensed in the jurisdictions mentioned in their biographies and not all lawyers mentioned or displayed in our website content may be able to assist clients without adding attorneys admitted in the specific jurisdiction; (2) WADR LAW PLLC is a remote-first law firm. Any mention of other locations are unstaffed meeting locations, by appointment only, that are not designed to suggest or create a permanent presence; (3) Local counsel are independent and not partners or employees of WADR LAW PLLC; (4) All clients of WADR LAW PLLC will receive additional, written information (about the lawyer assignment/licensing in the case, our fees etc.) before making a decision to becoming a client. You may learn more about our attorney advertising policy below.

Unless otherwise expressly specified, the attorneys listed on this website are not certified by, or certified as specialists or experts by, any professional or governmental agency or authority. Designations of our practice areas, or of expertise, practice concentrations or specializations of our attorneys are not intended (1) to suggest or represent the contrary, or (2) to suggest any professional or governmental standard by which such experience is measured, or (3) to denigrate other attorneys or firms in any way.

Our attorneys are fully remote and are licensed to practice only in those jurisdictions designated in their respective biographies. We have lawyers admitted to practice in one or more of the following locations: New York, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., and Mexico. Not all our attorneys are licensed in each of these locations. Our attorneys practice law only in jurisdictions in which they are properly authorized to do so. We respect to any of our interns, law school associates, or attorneys barred outside of the United States, all work is managed, supervised, and reviewed by attorney’s barred in the United States. We do not seek to represent clients in other jurisdictions where our attorneys are not barred. For more information, please contact a specific attorney to inquire where he or she is licensed to practice. Some jurisdictions may have laws and regulations that differ substantially from one another. WADR LAW PLLC does not through this site seek to represent anyone in a jurisdiction where this site may fail to comply with the laws and ethical rules of that jurisdiction. 

This website is not intended as advertising or solicitation in any jurisdiction where the site would be so characterized and fail to comply with all applicable laws and ethical rules of that jurisdiction. Furthermore, prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in future matters.

WADR LAW PLLC does not seek to represent anyone based solely upon a visit to this website or upon advertising, or where to do so would not comply with applicable local laws and rules.

Do not send any confidential information to WADR LAW PLLC, as we do not have any duty to keep it confidential.